Thursday, November 10, 2011

Journal #7

Name: Caleb Anderson

Journal Assignment #7

William Cullen Bryant’s “To a Waterfowl” (p.151) and Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” (p.181)

Read the selections and write a detailed response to the following:

1. Compare/contrast the different views of nature that are being presented in the poems. Refer to the list of classical and romantic characteristics and provide specific examples from the poems to support your analysis.

The different characteristics and writing styles of the poems, “To a Waterfowl” and “The Raven”, seems to make them very different, but they in fact share some similar views of nature too. In the poem “To a Waterfowl” the neo-classical style is prevalent as seen in the view and way that nature is portrayed, and “The Raven” similarly shows its romantic style in its view on nature.

The tone of the poem, “To a Waterfowl”, brings a calm and peacefulness to the poem. As characterized in the neo-classical writing style the poem is harmonious, rational, balanced, and it has a structured order about it. These adjectives that describe the writing style of the poem mirror the average state of nature. There are instances that nature is unpredictable and unbalanced, but when nature is viewed in the way it was meant to be it becomes the paradise of Eden. “While glow the heavens with the last steps of day, Far, through their rosy depths, dost thou pursue” (Line 2-3). These two lines illustrate the tone that is expressed throughout the rest of the poem. The setting is expressed in the second line of the poem. The author is portraying a sunset scene, which is synonymous with harmony, and perfect worldly balance.

The tone and setting the Poe uses in his “The Raven” poem is the opposite of what is used in “To a Waterfowl”. Where William Cullen Bryant’s poem is peaceful and rosy, “The Raven” is gloomy and ghastly. In the romantic style of writing emotions, spontaneity, imagination and the irrational are used. When the raven flies into the speaker house the irrational and imaginative begin to become prevalent in the poem. The speaker talks to the raven and he believe that the raven responds to him always saying “nevermore”. “Once upon a midnight dreary… it was in the bleak December” (Line 1-7). These two lines represent the overall tone of the rest of the poem. They also reveal the setting of the poem. The speaker in this poem is shut up in his house, basically shut way from nature. This is unlike the author in “To a Waterfowl” who is out and about walking and living in nature. The only connection that the speaker in “The Raven” has to nature is when the raven flies into his house.

Even though there are many obvious differences between the gloomy and negative view of nature as portrayed in “The Raven” and the peaceful positive view of nature as in the “To a Waterfowl” there are also many compatible views on nature. The massages of both poems are the opposite but they share the same purpose. In both poems the speakers equate their respective bird to have meaning in their lives. In both poem guidance is being sought after by the speakers. They are hoping to find God’s guidance to lead them to the path that they need to take in their lives. By observing the nature the speakers can find their path in life.

In both poems the authors represent their views on nature. The different writing styles lead to different views on nature, but the authors also end up conveying the same purpose in each poem.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Journal #8

9. What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not been discovered.

In this aphorism Emerson is trying to say that all things have a purpose and meaning in life. He is saying that even bad or unpleasant things could have something good inside of it. Personally I think that Emerson is right. Many famous movie and books are based on the idea of the villain turning good guy. Just like the plant the villain was just misunderstood and the good inside of them had not been discovered.

11. What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.

Emerson is trying to say that our past action and future actions are not as important as our present behavior and feelings. This goes back to is idea of living in the moment. We all make mistake and will make mistakes in the future, but Emerson is saying that we cannot let those mistake define us; we need to move on and keep on living a virtuous life. I agree with this aphorism. I think that being happy and pleasant in the present will serve and be better for people then if they worried about what their future might hold for them.

13. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

Emerson is saying that life would be boring if we did nothing and just let life happen. He wants us to go out and do, act, and take on life so that we can experience the most life has to offer. Basically, Emerson is saying the more you put into life the more you get out of it. Again I agree with this aphorism. Life is not a spectating sport, we have to be constantly active and a part of it to get the most out of it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The ideas of free will and determinism are both evident in Othello. Iago supports the idea of free will when he talks about our bodies being gardens and our wills gardeners. This means that our will tends and controls our bodies. Another example of free will expressed in the play is when Othello chose to kill Desdemona. Even though Iago tricked Othello, Othello believed that killing Desdemona was the right thing to do. He chose to kill her.
On the other end of the argument is the idea of determinism. Othello supports the idea of determinism. He believes that everything is based on destiny, and that he could not choose anything different for himself. The entire play as a whole could be seen as deterministic. For example, why did the beautiful Desdemona marry the supposed ugly, strange and barbaric Othello? It may seem as if something out of the characters control made be together. The ideas of free will and determinism are both evident in the play Othello.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Journal #10

Othello is the tragic hero of Shakespeare’s play, Othello. The tragic hero has a character flaw that leads to his fall. The fall leaves the hero vulnerable but the hero then finds enlightenment bringing the reader a sense of closure. Othello’s character flaw was his jealousy. He let Iago use his flaw to commit a tragic act which resulted in the death of Desdemona. After learning of Iago’s treachery, Othello give a final speech that shows he has become enlightened after the tragedy. Othello asks Cassio, when describing the events that had happened, to tell what actually happened without any exaggerations. Othello asks to be remembered as a “Then must you speak Of one that loved not wisely, but too well” (5.2.360). As we can see from Othello’s insight is that Othello understood what he did and that he wants to be known as the man who committed the terrible acts but for the reason that he loved his wife too much but he was not wise and easily tricked. Othello acknowledges that he a beautiful and he just threw it away. In the end Othello sees his mistakes and he owns them as his own.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal #11

“Where I Lived and What I Lived For” (232)

There are too many unimportant things in life. He thinks that technological advances take over our live and it takes over our true selves. He believes that technology is a burden on our lives.


“Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity.”
“We do not ride on the railroad it rides upon us.”
“I went to the woods to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of
life…and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

“Sounds” (234)

Thoreau says that it is important to live in the present. He would spend his time sitting outside his cabin listening to the sounds. He found that it wasn’t a waste of time doing this because nature could change at any moment.

“… my life itself was become my amusement and never ceased to be novel”

“Brute Neighbors” (235)

Brute Neighbors satirizes modern day war. It shows how petty the thing people fight over actually are. The ants symbolize enemies, whether they are countries or people. The chips are the unimportant conflicts that spark wars. Even the smallest most insignificant creature shares that same traits as humans who are the highest creature.

“And the results of this battle will be as important and memorable as those whom it concerns as those of the battle of Bunker Hill”

“The Pond in Winter” (237)

Nature only gives the answer of true beauty. A pond in winter has the ability to be different but underneath it is the same and alive as it is during the other seasons. Nature can look at rest and at peace during the winter but it is thriving beneath the surface.

“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our head”

“Spring” (238)

Each spring is the creation of the world. Life come to live again and flourishes. He describes the sounds of the ice cracking, the smells of the flowers blooming, and the new explosion of colors.

“The coming in of spring is like the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos and the realization of the Golden Age.”

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Journal #12

Name: Caleb Anderson

Journal #12 - “Young Goodman Brown”

1. “Young Goodman Brown” is an allegory (symbolic narrative). What do the following represent?

Young Goodman Brown –
Goodman Brown represents the Adam from the Bible. Brown starts out believing in what is good and right but after seeing that everyone is full of sin and it is inevitable that sin will conquer us he accepts this and lives the rest of his life in gloom.

Faith –
Faith represents faith and virtue. She is the light that Brown looks to. When Brown sees her in the woods with the others he begins to question her “faith” and he losses the only thing in his life that can believe in.

The Elderly Traveller/Fellow-Traveller –
The traveler is possible the devil. He represents the evil and sin in the world that he rules. He takes Brown and shows him that even the most righteous in the community are under his control because of sin.

Goody Cloyse –
She is the catechism teacher that is depicted as a witch when Brown sees her in the woods. She represents hypocrisy and sin because while she teaches young children about the Bible she also attends devil worshiping meetings in the woods.

The Ceremony –
The Ceremony is the representation of the Fall from the Bible. Both Faith and Brown succumb to the devil and sin. Just like in the Bible Eve or Faith are tempted first, and then they trick their husbands into following.

The Pink Ribbon –
The Pink Ribbon’s represent pureness. Faith wears these ribbons, further showing her purity and virtue. However, when Brown was in the woods he catches a falling pink ribbon symbolizing that even Faith failed to overcome sin.

Young Goodman Brown’s Journey –
Brown’s Journey is the representation of the journey everyone will take in life. At the beginning Brown was like a child believing that all people were good and righteous. However his journey in the woods shows how he matures and sees that people are not so good in actuality. Finally Brown reaches adulthood and realizes that sin is inevitable and even the most righteous will fall to it.

2. Identify the following for “Young Goodman Brown”:

Theme Message of Theme Element Used to Establish

The theme of the story of “Young Goodman Brown” is sin. The message is the sin draws us away from God and that sin is an inevitable process of the human condition. The use of Symbols and Characterize is used to establish the theme.

In addition, provide three direct quotes from the story that address your theme.

“My Faith is gone! Cried he, after one stupefied moment. There is no good on earth: and sin is but a name. Come, devil; for thee is this world given.”
“Evil is the nature of mankind. Evil must be your only happiness. Welcome again, my children, to the communion of your race”
“What if a wretched old woman do choose to go to the devil when I thought she was going to heaven”

Friday, August 12, 2011

Journal #13

1. What object symbolizes George Gray’s life? How is this object representative of him?

The object that symbolizes George Gray’s life was the furled sail. He had so many opportunities but he shrunk away from all of them. He is recounting his life and wishes that he would have taken the chances that life gave to him. He is unhappy an dissatisfied with his life. The image on his tombstone of the boat in the harbor, would normally represent a life that finally has come to an end. However, in Gerorge’s life it represents how he lived his life. He was so afraid of the bad in life that he shut himself so far away that he even missed the good.

2. How was Lucinda Matlock’s life different than George Gray’s? How do you interepret the last line of the poem?

Lucinda live a full life. She experienced the good and the bad unlike Gerogre Grey. She accepted the negatives but she did not let them define her. She had a positive outlook on life. George was so afraid of messing up in his life that he never participated in it. Her last line of “It takes life to love Life” shows that you need to be an active participant in you life to experiences all the good that life can give to us. The last line bacically uses the word life with two differenet meanings. The first life is referring to energy and emotion, while the second life is referring to actually living. Another way to look at the last line is, It takes an active participation and energy to love and enjoy the time that we have on this earth.

3. How are “George Gray” and “Lucinda Matlock” examples of realism?

Realism is the attempt to depict and show the average normal day life. It focuses on the normal, boring, average life of a person. Both of the epitaphs are example of realism. The stories of the two characters are normal. There is no idealizing there experiences, they just shared what there lives were like. In Lucinda’s life she lived a full life by accepting everything that came her way, where as in Geroge’s life he hid from life and ultimately died unhappy.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Journal # 14

“Richard Cory“ (497)

In the poem Richard Cory is a well off, the “ideal” person. This causes last line of the poem to be ironic and shocking. He has everything and is basically perfect, but in the end he killed himself. Everyone aspires to be him because he is rich and gentleman like. The real of the poem comes in in the last line. It shows that you cannot judge by looking on the outside you must look to see what is on the inside. The “ideal” perfect person suffers just like everyone else in the world and is subject to the same fate that every single human being will eventually come to in the end. The theme is appearance verses reality.

“Miniver Cheevy” (497)

Miniver Cheevy was an idealist. He wished that he had been born during the Medieval time period. He wanted to live the life that is depicted in the Romance stories.He idealized the life of a knight saving his princess from some evil, to live happily ever after. He wanted this ideal life but he got reality. What he failed to see was that he could find similar situations in his daily life. Maybe not to the extent of what he thought knights would do, but he still could have live a life with adventure. The unfortuneate part in his story was that he had to turn to drinking to cope and he would escaped into his mind to follow his fantasies.

“Mr. Flood’s Party” (498)

Mr. Flood is a poor man who has lossed his grasp on reality. He is an old man that has lost all of his friends because of his drinking problem. He suffers froma very serious medical situation known as Alcoholism. His problem has driven all of his friends, aquaintances, and family away. It is sad to see that he has to create friends as he drinks so that he is not alone.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Journal # 15

1. Write a sentence that summarizes the story’s overall message, and provide three direct quotes from the story that best illustrate this message.

The overall message of the story is that war is not something that should be fanaticized and romanticized about. In the first couple of line of the story the short interplay between Editha and George reveals Editha’s feeling about war. “It’s war,’ he said. and he pulled her up to him and kissed her. She kissed him back intensely, but irrelevantly, as to their passion, and uttered from deep in her throat. ‘How glorious!’” She thinks that war is something that men go to, to become heroes and patriots that are brimming with courage. This quotation also reveals Editha’s feelings about the war and war in general “ But now, it flashed upon her, if he could do something worthy to have won her--be a hero, her hero--it would be even better than if he had done it before asking her; it would be grander. Besides, she had believed in the war from the beginning.” The quotation highlights that she wants her husband to be “a hero, her hero” she is do far removed from the war that she does not realize that people die, are injured and even emotionally changed because of it.

2. What tactics does Editha use to make George believe as she does about the war?

"But don't you see, dearest," she said, “that it wouldn't have come to this if it hadn't been in the order of Providence? And I call any war glorious that is for the liberation of people who have been struggling for years against the cruelest oppression. Don't you think so, too?” This illustrates the tactics that Editha uses to make George believe as she does about the war. She paints the war as something that will bring honor and respect to George. She claims that is is not so much about fighting an enemy but as liberating an oppressed people. The way the Editha explains war, she only highlights the good parts of is such as the courage that comes from fighting and freeing oppressed people. However she fails to even mention or give note to the horrors of war.

3. Is there ever a time in which Editha truly understands what she has done? Does she ever experience an epiphany?

Editha only truly understands what she has done when she goes to visit Mrs. Gearson, George’s mother. His mother explains to Editha that young women want to romanticize war, but in reality war is a terrible thing, the physical and emotional damage that it causes families, and society as a whole. She does seem to experience an epiphany and she breaks down and cries over her George’s death but she soon gets over her feeling and continues living a life in the ideal world.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Journal # 16

In “The Blue Hotel” the main character is the Swede. The Swede is governed by determinism as stated in the quotation. The Swede is a shyer individual, who is from the city. The trip out west cause the Swede to experience great anxiety because the stories of the time painted the social condition of the west as an outlaw filled, dangerous place. These factors caused the Swede to act very strange, which would lead to his death. To lighten the Swede up he was given alcohol. In the genes and traits of the Swede, when he became drunk he also became violent, aggressive and confident. After winning a fight be becomes even more confident, which will lead him to be killed after trying to pick a fight with another gentleman. All of the actions of the Swede were beyond his control. He was a victim of determinism. His fear of the west, his reaction to alcohol, and the popular social condition of the time that showed the west as a scary rough and tough place all eventually lead the Swede to his death.

In “To Build A Fire” the main character is also another victim of determinism. The man also has a distorted view of the world. Instead of involving himself with other people he, instead, ventures out into the wilderness in fifty degrees below freezing. He was not blessed with great foresight and intelligence to see that setting out in that type of weather was foolish. The only difference between the Swede and this man is that the man came to realize that he made a mistake in the end.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Journal #17

1. What is the significance of the poem’s epigraph? How does it relate to Prufrock?

The poem’s epigraph is significant because it shows that both Count Guido da Montefeltro, who gives the quotation, and Prufrock are in hell. Prufrock is not in the spiritual hell , but he is in a mediforically hell on earth. Prufrock is stuck in a world where, as he describes it, he does not fit in. He cannot confided in any other people because he feels isolated.

2. Make a list of questions that Prufrock asks. Do you see a pattern/theme to these questions or are they random?

In the poem, Prufrock asks many questions as listed here:
“To lead you to an overwhelming question…Oh, do not ask, ‘What is it?’” (10-11).
“To wonder, ‘So I dare?’ and, ‘Do I dare?’” (38).
“Do I dare disturb the universe?” (45-46).
“So how should I presume?” (54).
“Then how should I begin to spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?” (59-60).
“Is it perfume from a dress that makes me so digress?” (65-66).
“And should I then presume?” (68)
“And how should I begin?” (69)
“And watched the smoke that rises from the pipes of lonely men in shirt-sleeves, leaning out of windows?...” (71-72).
“Should I, after tea and cakes and ices, have the strength to force the moment to its crisis?” (79-80).
“Would it have been worth while,…after the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trial along the floor – and this, and so much more?” (101-103).
“Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?” (122).

The questions follow a similar pattern. All the questions are structured as an inner argument, where he is debating on who he should proceed with each action in his life. Prifrock is a fearful man who is insecure and questions all of his actions so that he does not make a mistake. However, Prufrock does realize that he has let time slip away from him, and because of this he as missed loads of opportunites.

3. What do you think is Prufrock’s main flaw/problem?

His main flaw is his lack of confidence. Prufrock spends all of his time examining all action and consequences to that he does not do something that is foolish or embarrassing. Because of this he misses so many opportunites and events in his life. If he would just make a confident choice he could experience so many more things that worold has to offer, to those who sieze the day. His lack of confidence also isolates him from others because he is afraid to make a mistake arounf them.

4. Why do you think this is called a love song? In what way is it a love song?

The poem is called a love song because of the irony of it. Prufrock is so unconfident in himself that he could never talk to a woman about love. He can admire women from a distance and he can write and talk about love all he wants but in reality he would never do this in person.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Journal #18

1. What is the significance of the story’s title?

The title “In Another Country” literally shows that Hemingway is in a different country. He is in Italy. The title also refers to the rehab center where the wounded soldiers go to get treatment. All the men were health before the war but after being wounded they have to travel to this new place where they must accept that they can never be what they were before coming to this place. During this period of time the Allies were looked at a bad in Italy. So they are in essence in another country that dislikes their allegiance to a different cause.

2. Which character do you think best represents the “Hemingway hero”? Why?

The major Signor Majore best represents the “Hemingway Hero”. The “Hemingway Hero” is someone that is honorable and courageous, but who has suffered from pain and suffering. This person will suffer through the pain and continue in their heroic fashion even if they know that they cannot win. The Major has suffered a personal loss, with his wife dying, and he also has suffered a physical loss in losing the strength and skill with his hand. The Major’s injury occurred in the line of duty. His physical wound basically destroys the very being of the man before the war. The Major was the best fencer in Italy before the injury. He suffers the knowledge that he will never be able to be as good as he once was, without even complaining. The personal loss was harder on the Major but after a brief moment where he breaks down, he composes himself and continues on is a very stoic manner.

3. What can you infer about the photographs the doctor hangs up? What is the significance of the major’s reaction?

The images that the doctor hangs up, which depict wounds that have been healed by the machine, are used as encouragement. The images are supposed to be a morale booster for the injured soldiers. The Major’s reaction to the images is indifference. He does not actually believe that the machines work, so he simply accepts his lot in life.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Journal 19

Journal 19 - Characterization in Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby

Write a description for each of the following characters based on his/her first appearance in Chapter 1.  Your description should include:
-the character’s physical appearance;
-the character’s actions/words;
-an adjective that best describes the character based on his/her initial    

Nick Carraway        Adjective ___Introverted_____________

Nick is a reserved man that is described as looking like his great-uncle. There is no real description of his physical appearance but Nick admits that he is a reserved person on the first page of the novel. He said, “I’m inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores.” In the movie Nick is depicted as a smaller man that is quiet, and timid. Nick’s reserved nature will play a significant part in the later stages of the novel. His quiet nature lends him to be the outlet for the other characters secrets, regardless of if he wants to hear them or not.  

Tom Buchanan        Adjective _____arrogant___________

Tom is the husband of Daisy, who is Nick’s second cousin once removed. Tom is depicted as a strong arrogant man. Nick comments about Tom and says that in college he was a very wealthy man that was not afraid to show it. Physically Tom describes him when he says; “Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner, Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward… It was a body capable of enormous leverage – a cruel body.” In describing Tom, Nick makes is clear that Tom has a very stuck up and full of himself.

Daisy Buchanan     Adjective ____delicate________

Daisy is Tom’s wife and Nick’s second cousin once removed. In the novel she is described as having a “her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it, bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth, but there was an excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget.” Daisy’s character is reminiscent of a stereotypical blond haired woman. In the movie, she is depicted as a bond haired, fair skinned, dainty woman.

Jordan Baker           Adjective ______strong willed_________

 Jordan is the opposite of Daisy in many ways. She is described as very poised and elegant. “She was extended full length at her end of the divan, completely motionless, and with her chin raised a little, as if she were balancing something on it which was quite likely to fall.” Her physical appearance is described on page 11; “She was a slender, small breasted girl, with an erect carriage, which she accentuated by throwing her body backward at the shoulders like a young cadet. Her gray sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan, charming, discontented face.”

Jay Gatsby               Adjective ___mysterious_______

Throughout the novel Jay has a mysterious side. Jay confides in Nick, but for the most part Jay keeps an air of secrecy about him. In the first couple of pages Nick talks about Jay in an astounded way; “If personality was an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if her were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes then thousand miles away.” The first physical description of Gatsby in chapter one occurs during the scene where Nick sees Gatsby staring across the water at the green light. This scene only furthers adds mystery to Jay and his character.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Journal #20

The last passage of the novel is Nick’s reflection on the death of Gatsby. Nick expresses how he feels, and he says that a great life has be extinguished. He comments on the vibrancy or the life that Gatsby brought to his house, and how without him the house is a dead empty shell. Nick makes a connection between Dutch sailors who discovered Long Island, and Gatsby. He tells that both had an air of life about them that made this area unique. The Dutch sailors found the great human dream of life in the land, the same way as Gatsby brought that dream to the area while he was alive. Nick also talks about the green light. Nick claims that for Gatsby the green light was the source of hope. The green light was the beacon that gave Gatsby strength to pursue his dream of being with Daisy again. The green light for Gatsby would be the same as the promises of the New World to those that made the journey from Europe. It was the object of an obsession, that could not be diminished.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Journal #21

In both The Great Gatsby and Some Like is Hot, share similarities. Both portray the upper class society during the 1920’s. In the movie, life of two musicians and how they interact with the upper class while hiding from 1920’s gangsters is shown. The life of the rich in the movie mirrors the life that the rich characters in Gatsby participate in. The party life of the Roaring Twenties is equally represented in the movie and novel. Both works also share similar themes; greediness and jealousy. However, the major difference in the two works is in the endings. In Some Like is Hot, the ending is happy with Sugar and Joe finding love. The Great Gatsby ends in the opposite fashion, with Gatsby meeting his demise while never being able to rekindle his former love with Daisy. I think that both works are taking similar aspects to make a statement about American life, but the movie and novel are making two different statements about American life. In the novel, the overall statement is that the greediness and wealth of the upper class of society leads to misery and death. Fitzgerald takes the life of the American 1920’s to portray the more negative side of it. However in the movie the life of the 1920’s is shown to be fun and happy with people finding love. The movie portrays  a brighter happier American society